Hive'Ashi Scout Report - Quêtes

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Hive'Ashi Scout Report

Contact Cenarion Scout Jalia inside Hive'Ashi and return the Hive'Ashi Scout Report to Windcaller Proudhorn at Cenarion Hold. You must also bring Tactical Task Briefing VIII in order to complete this quest.


We've sent our best scouts deep into the silithid hives to gather intelligence. Scout Jalia has been watching the silithid movements at Hive'Ashi for several days now. Find her and obtain a written report. We need to be able to act on that information as soon as possible, <name>.


Your efforts are greatly appreciated, <name>. I'll read these scouting reports right away, feel free to go over your next assignment.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Silithus

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