Raptor Horns - Quêtes

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Raptor Horns

Gather 5 Intact Raptor Horns from Sunscale Scytheclaws, and bring them to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.


The raptors of the Barrens are smarter than raptors in other lands. And I think all that smarts is hiding in their horns! If so, then I could grind their horns into powder and use it to make "smart drinks." I could sell them for a fortune!!!

And you can help me. Find me intact raptor horns from sunscale scytheclaws. They roam in the southern Barrens, and in the northern Barrens near the border of Ashenvale Forest.


Great, you got them! Now I just need to ground them down and mix them with some wine, and...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Barrens

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