The Horde Needs Baked Salmon! - Quêtes

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The Horde Needs Baked Salmon!

Bring 20 Baked Salmon to Chief Sharpclaw at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.


The Ahn'Qiraj war effort is an immense undertaking, <class>. All of the materials being gathered here, whether it is metal for weapons, or food to eat, are all as important as the other. For, if you haven't eaten in days you will not have the strength to lift your axe when it matters.

Thus, we gather what food we can. I am collecting baked salmon, a dish that was chosen both for its sustenance and its ability to keep well. Can you aid me with this task, <class>?


Wonderful, <class>! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.

I hope the trip wasn't too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you've obviously done well enough.

Thank you again, <class>.

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