The Horde Needs More Spotted Yellowtail! - Quêtes

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The Horde Needs More Spotted Yellowtail!

Bring 20 Spotted Yellowtail to Fisherman Lin'do at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.


So as you can see, we still be needin' a lot of the fishies. The combatants in the upcomin' Ahn'Qiraj War gonna be needin' a lot to eat, so I needin' to get all the spotted yellowtail that I can. You catch 'em, cook 'em, and bringin' 'em back to me here, and I be givin' you thanks, and the thanks of the Horde.


That be the best catch yet, <name>! Good, honest work right there. And no bones too! Thanks goin' out to you for this spotted yellowtail here mon. Come back soon if you cookin' up some more!

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