The Horde Needs More Rugged Leather! - Quêtes

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The Horde Needs More Rugged Leather!

Bring 10 Rugged Leather to Doctor Serratus at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.


Preparations for the impending war at Ahn'Qiraj are proceeding, <class>. However, to ensure that we do not fall behind, or at least that I am not the one that causes us to fall behind, I want for you to bring back another stack of rugged leather. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated, <name>.


Practice, practice, practice. A well honed knife and the skill to use it will get you far in this world, <name>. Looks like the edges on these skins are better than the last. Did you buy a new knife?

In any case, we thank you for your efforts. Your donation has been noted, and will be put to good use I can assure you. Should you find yourself in the possession of more rugged leather, be sure to come back and speak with me, as I will probably need it.

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