The Horde Needs Rugged Leather! - Quêtes

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The Horde Needs Rugged Leather!

Bring 10 Rugged Leather to Doctor Serratus at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.


I find that the fit of the knife in your palm is more important than the edge on it. Even the dullest blade can be made to cut if pressure is being properly applied through it, wouldn't you agree, <class>? But you and I don't have such problems as we maintain the sharpest of edges, yes?

Well, no matter, I have a task for you. In service to the Horde, and to do your part for the Ahn'Qiraj war effort, I want you to return to me with a number of rugged leather skins. This is something that you will do, no?


Very well, it appears you've done a fairly decent job of it, though some of those skins look a bit ragged about the edges. No matter, the task is completed, and you have earned your reward. Should you come across another stack of rugged leather, be sure to bring them to me posthaste.

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