Pie for Billy - Quêtes

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Pie for Billy

Bring 4 Chunks of Boar Meat to Auntie Bernice Stonefield at the Stonefield's Farm.


Maybe if I got a pie, I could tell you who has that necklace. And you know, I think that old Bernice lady at that other farm makes great Pork Belly Pies...

Maybe if you gave her some chunks of boar meat from the boars that hang around our farms, and told her what it was for, she'd bake up a pie for you.


Though this wild boar meat is tough, simmer it enough and it sure does make for some tasty pie!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 410 experience.
  • 420 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Elwynn Forest

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