Draconic for Dummies - Quêtes

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Draconic for Dummies

Find Narain Soothfancy's book, buried on an island in the South Seas.


I knew that book would come in handy some day! Thankfully, I had the wit and foresight to stow it somewhere safe.

Don't worry, it's in a place that nobody could ever hope to find it! I needed a gyrocopter just to get there the first time. Unfortunately I crashed it on the beach on my way back. It was through that accident that I gained these super-gnomish psychic powers!

Look for my crashed gyrocopter somewhere on Land's End Beach and swim south from there! You'll know the spot when you see it!


The book is gone! On top of the dirt mound is a note.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Tanaris

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