The Isle of Dread! - Quêtes

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The Isle of Dread!

Recover Lakmaeran's Carcass and 20 Chimaerok Tenderloins for Dirge Quikcleave in Tanaris.


Legend has it that the chimaerok of the Isle of Dread in Feralas have the most succulent and tender vittles in existence! Now these chimaerok also have a daddy who, with proper preparation, may or may not look like a 500 pound chicken.

Head to the Isle of Dread and kill Lord Lakmaeran and bring me his fresh carcass. That should satisfy the gnome. To satisfy me, you'll need to get your hands on some chimaerok tenderloin.

Do this and you'll have your 500 pound chicken and a little something extra.


Look at the marbleization on those tenderloins! Fantastic!

Now about that chicken... Hrm, let me see. I'm going to need a few minutes to devise the recipe.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Tanaris

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