Never Ask Me About My Business - Quêtes

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Never Ask Me About My Business

Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris wants you to speak with Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan.


If there is one thing that you should know about me, it is this: NEVER ask me about my business! I work with things you simply cannot understand. Like for example: Do you know what a psychotronic muzzledorf is? Of course you don't! And that's why we leave the planning to me and the fetching to you.

As I said earlier, if this is going to work, we're going to need a 500 pound chicken.

Head to Gadgetzan and speak with Dirge Quikcleave - he'll get you started on finding a suitable specimen.


A 500 pound chicken? There's no such thing! Not anymore, at least. I knew of such a chicken... The Black Chicken of Death...

But yes, nobody ever saw that chicken and lived to tell the tale. I've got an idea that could benefit the both of us, kid.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Tanaris

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