The Tear of the Moons - Quêtes

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The Tear of the Moons

Feegly the Exiled wants you to retrieve for him the Tear of the Moons.


The power was mine! In my very hands! And I want it back! Back I say!

Those dirty excavators uncovered it... so beautiful it was. Deemed the Tear of the Moons, it was the first great discovery we made at Bael Modan.

It should have been mine! Mine I say!

General Twinbraid grew jealous of the power it gave me. He locked it away in the Keep. Called it cursed, he did! The fool!

Others wanted it and they had to be stopped! That bastard Twinbraid drove me off.

Now I want it back. Back I say!


At last, the power is mine again! Mine I say!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2450 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at The Barrens

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