The Horde Needs Peacebloom! - Quêtes

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The Horde Needs Peacebloom!

Bring 20 Peacebloom to Herbalist Proudfeather at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.


Hello again, Abyssmal. I am glad that you wish to speak to me once more concerning our neverending need for peacebloom. The war effort continues, and with it our production of potions and elixirs to aid in the battles to come. Will you help us again, <class>? I am in need of the same amount of peacebloom as before, so if you can gather it up and return it to me here I would be most grateful. Of course, if you already have it on your person, I will be more than happy to accept it from you now


Thank you for your continued efforts, <name>. You bring great honor to yourself and your ancestors with your selfless giving, and it will be known to all! I will store these herbs away so that they stay fresh until they are needed. Once again you reveal the truest spirit of the Horde, the struggle to overcome and the promise that we can work together to do so.

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