Apothecary Zamah - Quêtes

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Apothecary Zamah

Bring the Rendered Spores to Apothecary Zamah in Thunder Bluff, before the time limit is up.


I have rendered the spores you gave me into an emulsion. I must now send it to my associate, Apothecary Zamah. If you were to carry this to her, she can offer you something from our stores of alchemical goods.

She is in the Pools of Vision, a cave beneath the shamans of Thunder Bluff. The path to this cave is well hidden, but you may find it on the Spirit Rise bluff.

Do hurry. This emulsion will maintain its potency for only a short time, and must be resealed and processed before then.


Ah, the spores from the Barrens that Helbrim was gathering. He garnered your aid in delivering them? Good.

And the emulsion is still potent, so you must have wasted no time in the delivery. Well done, <class>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 800 experience.
  • 150 reputation with Undercity
This quest starts at The Barrens and ends at Mulgore

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