The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore! - Quêtes

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The Alliance Needs Rainbow Fin Albacore!

Bring 20 Rainbow Fin Albacore to Slicky Gastronome at the Military Ward in Ironforge.


Hey there, friend! If I were to say to you, 'Don't you think that soldiers should have food to eat like anyone else?', you would of course reply, 'yes'. I agree with you 110%! I'm glad we're in accord. All I need for you to do is to head out there, fish up a whole bunch of raw rainbow fin albacore, and then cook it all up and bring it back to me right here. Mmm, mmm, I can taste it already.


Two for the Alliance, one for me, two for the Alliance, one for me. Hey there, fishmonger, excellent work. I can see that you're going to be a real credit to the club. Looks to me like we probably need more of that albacore though. Why don't you head on out and rustle up a mite more. I can hear my stomach rumbling already.

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