The Alliance Needs Runecloth Bandages! - Quêtes

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The Alliance Needs Runecloth Bandages!

Bring 20 Runecloth Bandages to Keeper Moonshade at the Military Ward in Ironforge.


Argue the merits of the war if you will, <class>, but it has already been set in motion. Look around you at your family and friends, and then ask yourself what it is that you can do to see to it that if they are involved, they will have every advantage to survive the conflagration.

To that end, I am collecting runecloth bandages here from whatever source. Would you like to make a donation?


You are to be commended, <class>, for your perseverance in this task. I shall put these bandages away, and then I should like to talk to you again about the possibility of your collecting even more runecloth bandages.

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