A Pawn on the Eternal Board - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

A Pawn on the Eternal Board

Learn all that you can of the past, then speak with Anachronos at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.


As you regain your composure and focus your gaze, you notice that something stirs within the crystal. Upon closer inspection, you realize that you are looking into the past... a memory... long forgotten.


After Staghelm's betrayal, I gathered the shattered pieces of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands and returned here. I had every intention of protecting the scepter from those that would seek to use it to cause harm to our world - thus was born the charge of the Dragonflights.

A scepter divided amongst the four mighty Aspects would prove to be nearly impossible to restore for those willfully seeking chaos... or so I thought. What a fool I was. Even now I am hunted by that cursed flight.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Tanaris

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