The Alliance Needs Linen Bandages! - Quêtes

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The Alliance Needs Linen Bandages!

Bring 20 Linen Bandages to Sentinel Silversky at the Military Ward in Ironforge.


The war at Ahn'Qiraj is going to be long and bloody. It is a very wise thing that the Alliance is doing by enlisting the aid of you, and those like you, to build up the materiel necessary before plunging headlong into conflict.

I have been asked to head up the collection of linen bandages for the war, and I am hoping that you are going to assist me in amassing as many as we need. It is no light matter, but at least the linen bandages are the least difficult to create. Are you with us, <class>?


Many are the soldiers that will benefit from your contribution here today, <class>. I shall see to it personally that the Alliance is made aware of your efforts. Allow me a moment to store these bandages properly and update my count, and then you should check back with me to see if I am in need of more.

May the Light of Elune shine upon you, <race>!

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