The Alliance Needs More Thick Leather! - Quêtes

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The Alliance Needs More Thick Leather!

Bring 10 thick leather to Marta Finespindle at the airfield in Dun Morogh.


Yep, the stack's still not high enough. <name>, we still haven't reached our goal of $2071w thick leather. Just think of all the things that we can make with all of that leather! All kinds of armor and weapons. Stuff for inside the steam tanks and rifle scopes! Engineering goggles, and I bet if it ends up that we collect too much we could give the rest to the Horde for their zeppelins!

You gonna bring me back some more thick leather?


You did it again! That is simply amazing how you go out there, collect all of this stuff, and then bring it back here and hand it over. I tell ya, when they find out how much you've been helping out around here you're not going to be able to walk down the street without people asking you for your autograph!

Thanks again for your very generous donation of thick leather, <name>.

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