The Alliance Needs Arthas' Tears! - Quêtes

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The Alliance Needs Arthas' Tears!

Bring 20 Arthas' Tears to Sergeant Major Germaine at the Military Ward in Ironforge.


I'll keep it simple and to the point, <class>. The Alliance needs to collect a large quantity of Arthas' Tears for the Ahn'Qiraj war effort. Don't ask me what for; I'm just following orders. But I'd like you to gather up as many of the herbs as you can and bring them back to me here. Are you willing to do that?


Good work, <class>. I must say that I'm pleasantly surprised. You would not believe the number of people that have come by, offering to help, but never returning. Let me just get those into a crate and tallied with your name on it, and then we can talk again about whether I need anymore of those plants.

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