Fungal Spores - Quêtes

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Fungal Spores

Bring 4 Fungal Spores to Apothecary Helbrim at the Crossroads.


The oases of the Barrens hide a mystery. Life energy flows from their waters, invigorating the plants and beasts that drink it.

Invigorating, and altering.

There is a mushroom that grows near these oases. Its spores hold properties that we, the apothecaries of Lordaeron, find useful.

Bring me these spores and you will earn our gratitude.


Ah, yes. These are good specimens. Potent.

I am Forsaken, and we honor our contracts. Here is your reward, <name>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1050 experience.
  • 288 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at The Barrens

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