Forging the Mightstone - Quêtes

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Forging the Mightstone

Bring the voodoo feathers to Ashlam Valorfist.


Now we must combine the inert scourgestones and create a weapon to shatter the ranks of undead. This is no trivial task, <name>. Only the trolls of the sunken temple carry the kind of rare magic able to turn the evil of something against itself.

In the temple, the trolls are known as Gasher, Mijan, Zolo, Hukku, Zul'lor, and Loro. Do not feel remorse for their corrupt souls... they are not without evil.


This is excellent, <name>. I would say I am surprised, but I knew without question that you wouldn't let us down.

It is my honor to bestow one of the Holy Mightstones to you. Use it well.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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