Another Power Source? - Quêtes

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Another Power Source?

Bring 10 Wastewander Water Pouches to Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan in exchange for another power source.


Let me guess - you didn't get whatever world-ending, nefarious deed you were doing done in time. No wait, better still... you dropped it in the sand! Well, whatever the reason, I do have additional power sources I will sell to you. This time, however, it will cost you ten, YES TEN Wastewander Water Pouches!

Times are tough all around, <name>, and power sources don't grow on trees! Hrm, but what if they did. Maybe we could MAKE a power source tree...


Very well, here is another power source. I highly recommend you using it properly this time, unless you are eager to spend ten more water pouches for another water source.
The entirety of this quest happens at Tanaris

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