Dancing for Marzipan - Quêtes

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Dancing for Marzipan

Do a dance emote at Innkeeper Saelienne, and in exchange you'll receive Darnassus Marzipan!


Even though you're trick-or-treating for a sick child, you still need to perform a trick for the treat! We can't very well change the tradition, now can we...

I believe the cost of a piece of marzipan nowadays is to bust out and DANCE! That's right, let me see your moves! Dance for me, and I'll give you some tasty marzipan!


You're quite the dancing machine, <name>!

Here's your treat for being such a good sport. Happy Hallow's End, and give my best to your sick little friend! I hope they get better soon.
The entirety of this quest happens at Teldrassil

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