A Fistful of Slivers - Quêtes

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A Fistful of Slivers

Collect 6 Arcane Slivers from any creature on the isle that uses mana, and then return to Arcanist Ithanas on Sunstrider Isle.


It's a shame that we've lost control of many of the creatures here on the island. This was once a tranquil place of study and research. Now it's all we can do to keep from being attacked by our own creations!

I'm going to offer you a chance to receive a magical boon in exchange for some collecting work on your part. Bring me a stack of arcane slivers that are found on the mana-using creatures of Sunstrider Isle, and I will cast a spell on you that should aid your adventures on the isle.


Splendid - these will do nicely. I've been doing quite a bit of thinking on the current malaise Sunstrider Isle suffers under. One possible course of action I had pondered was to collect these arcane slivers from the beasts on the isle. In doing so, they could be experimented on; this would provide a potential source of culpability.

Anyway, I will tend to the research. Allow me to place this incantation on you. I believe you'll make good use of it!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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