Aggression - Quêtes

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Kill 7 Tenders and 7 Feral Tenders, and then return to Lanthan Perilon on Sunstrider Isle.
Tender (7) killed
Feral Tender (7) killed


Before sending you to the Academy, I want you on another task that needs to be dealt with immediately. Once used to aid us in the gardening of Sunstrider Isle, the bestial tenders now have grown out of our control. Clear them out with due haste, but be warned - their lack of control has made them aggressive. It is such aggression that forces us to put down these once-gentle servants.

It doesn't please me to ask you to do such a task, but survival is survival. I'll mourn later.


While the deaths of the tenders give me no joy whatsoever, it does show me that you're ready for the most important task you'll do here on Sunstrider Isle. Take this and put it to good use; you'll need good items and sharp wits for the task ahead. Our reassertion of control over the island depends on it.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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