A Sacred Burial - Quêtes

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A Sacred Burial

Lorekeeper Raintotem wants you to kill 8 Bristleback Interlopers at Red Rocks.


Only the most valiant tauren are laid to rest at Red Rocks, our sacred burial ground. It is an honor bestowed upon the great warriors who helped found and defend Thunder Bluff and those who have given their lives for the greater good of their tribes and chieftains.

But it appears a foul menace has made its way onto our holy land. A band of Bristleback Interlopers is ravaging the grave site and I am too old and past my prime to drive them away.

They must be driven off with force, <name>.


Well done. You have sent those foul Bristlebacks a clear message. They will think twice before attempting to meddle in this holy spot again.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Mulgore

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