Report to Lanthan Perilon - Quêtes

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Report to Lanthan Perilon

Speak with Lanthan Perilon on Sunstrider Isle; he is standing close to the path running west away from the Sunspire.


You are to report to my assistant, Lanthan Perilon. He will instruct you on what needs to be done next. While we here at the Sunspire will continue to rein in the Burning Crystals, you will be focused on a more pressing matter concerning Falthrien Academy. Lanthan will explain fully when you speak to him.

Simply walk west of here along the path, and you should see him standing close by.

Good luck, <name> - your continued successes shall be rewarded.


Magistrix Erona told me you'd be along quick enough, <name>. The Falthrien Academy to our west - the huge floating building with the ornate spires - is in bad shape. You're going to be leading the effort to recapture it from one of the Wretched - a <race> who has forever succumbed to their basest cravings.

I hope you're ready to work. This is not only going to be a lesson about danger, but also of what happens when you forsake the realities of who you are.

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