Dearest Natalia - Quêtes

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Dearest Natalia

Commander Mar'alith at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to question the inhabitants of Bronzebeard's Encampment. You will find Bronzebeard's Encampment south of Cenarion Hold.

Once you have gathered the requested information, return to Commander Mar'alith.


My dear Natalia has gone missing.

Truth be told, she had been acting strangely for weeks leading up to her disappearance. I had caught her talking to herself when no one was around on more than one occasion. She was adamant that everything was ok and that she must be allowed to continue her research.

She was last seen heading to Bronzebeard's camp to the south.

My soldiers are spread too thin, <name>. I need you to go to Bronzebeard's camp and question those dwarves.


Whether she is alive or dead, I must do what is right. She must be found. Alas, I am bound by duty to this outpost. Will you help me once more, <name>?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Silithus

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