The Twilight Lexicon - Quêtes

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The Twilight Lexicon

Bring the three chapters of the Twilight Lexicon to Hermit Ortell in Silithus.


The Twilight's Hammer are not kind to those that leave their ranks. They hunt me to this day like I'm some sort of beast! Needless to say, an enemy of theirs is a friend of mine!

To decipher this Tablet I'll need the book used by their scribes to encode secret messages: the Twilight Lexicon. It's such an important tool that they keep its three chapters in different locations! The officers entrusted with the Lexicon are known as Twilight Keepers, look for them at the Twilight's Hammer camps.


Yes! These are the parts to the book! Let's get started then, <name>.

Swap every third word with words from the second chapter... then swap every other word with words from the first chapter... Wait, did I get that backwards?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Silithus

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