Je'neu of the Earthen Ring - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 27
  • Required Level: 23
  • Difficulté : 23 25 30 35
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Mastok Wrilehiss
  • End: Je'neu Sancrea
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


Je'neu of the Earthen Ring

Bring the Befouled Water Globe to Je'neu Sancrea at Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale.


The Earthen Ring is a shamanistic group dedicated to studying and preserving the elements. They have forgotten more about crazy old gods, ancient legends and lore than most scholars will ever know.

Lucky for you, I know someone in the Earthen Ring here in Ashenvale. Head over to Zoram'gar Outpost on the coast of the Zoram Strand; show Je'neu Sancrea what you found. If anyone can figure out that globe's significance, it'd be him.


This globe... it is most disturbing. Many of the more powerful elementals receive their power and energy through such devices. To find one like this nearly intact is one thing - to find it so tainted is another.

I will see that this globe is studied properly by the Earthen Ring. Perhaps we can bring an end to this corruption of the elements. Please - accept this as a fair exchange for bringing this globe to the attention of the Earthen Ring.


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The entirety of this quest happens at Ashenvale

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