Nat's Measuring Tape - Quêtes

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Nat's Measuring Tape

Return Nat's Measuring Tape to Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh.


Amongst the shattered fishing lures and tackle is a rolled, silken measuring tape. Attached to the tape is a label that reads:

"Nat Pagle, Dustwallow Marsh."


Why, you found my favorite measuring tape! I love this tape! I measured some of the biggest fish I ever caught with it...

But, I lost this tape in Zul'Gurub... you've been to Zul'Gurub? Did you see the fabled Gahz'ranka?

Well... do you want to catch him?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 950 experience.
This quest ends at Dustwallow Marsh

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