Paragons of Power: The Augur's Bracers - Quêtes

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Paragons of Power: The Augur's Bracers

Bring Maywiki of Zuldazar a Primal Hakkari Armsplint. You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.

Maywiki of Zuldazar is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.


The augurs of our tribe are revered for their gifts of the divine sight, ya mon. They ain't a witch doctor; they spend their time castin' bones or readin' the leaves for insight - not hexin' people. As a shaman, you already know somethin' about the power of augury; we Zandalar prize the insight they give to the tribe.

Bring me an offerin' of the Paragons of Power from inside Zul'Gurub and prove your worth to us. Do this for us, and I'll give ya some bracers that our augurs prize above all others!


It seems ya got a bit of the Zandalar augur in ya. We know about the deeds you've been doin' in Zul'Gurub on our behalf mon. These Paragons of Power will go a long way to helpin' out the Zandalar tribe - a tribe, I might add, ya can call upon as friends. Take these bracers, <name>; ya earned them and then some!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Stranglethorn Vale

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