The Darkmoon Faire - Quêtes

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The Darkmoon Faire

Deliver the Free Ticket Voucher to Gelvas Grimgate, located inside the Darkmoon Faire carnival.


The Darkmoon Faire is coming! Be sure to experience all the wonders and excitement of it when it comes to town!

If you act right now, you can redeem this voucher for free prize tickets! Just hand your voucher to Gelvas Grimgate located inside the carnival.

Right now, the Faire is just outside Thunder Bluff, in Mulgore. Don't miss out! Go today!


Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire! This voucher is good for FIVE, yes, FIVE prize tickets!

When you accumulate prize tickets, you'll want to speak to me about redeeming them for valuable prizes. The more tickets you get, the more prizes you can win. Huzzah!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Orgrimmar and ends at Elwynn Forest

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