Vile Familiars - Quêtes

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Vile Familiars

Kill 12 Vile Familiars.

Return to Zureetha Fargaze outside the Den.
Vile Familiar (12) killed


I trust the Valley of Trials will teach you much, young <class>.

I was sent to the Valley to guide you, but I have discovered a growing taint here...

A group that calls itself the Burning Blade has a coven here in the Valley of Trials. They are skulking in a cave to the northeast, and their Vile Familiars have spilled from its mouth to cause havoc.

As your first task against the Burning Blade, I bid you, defeat these familiars. Slay many and, if you survive, return to me.


You have done well, <name>.

Although the Vile Familiars were merely pets of the darker powers within the Burning Blade, your success against them foretells greater deeds ahead.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Durotar

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