Evil Bat Eyes - Quêtes

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Evil Bat Eyes

Do you ever find yourself wandering in a cave, late at night, looking for adventure? You do? Really? Well, then you've seen the creepy eyes of bats staring at you from high up, waiting for you to let down your guard so they can suck your blood!

Scary thought, don't you think? Of course! It's no doubt that bat eyes are scary!

Will you bring me some evil bat eyes, <name>? I want them for... something I'm designing. Something scary.

You can get them from the bats of the Eastern Plaguelands.


Great! You got the eyes! I hope hunting those bats was frightening for you, because if it scared a brave <class> like yourself, then those eyes will certainly scare our Faire visitors.

Take these tickets, <name>, and thank you for your service.
The entirety of this quest happens at Elwynn Forest

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