Thwarting Kolkar Aggression - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 8
  • Required Level: 5
  • Difficulté : 5 6 11 14
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Lar Prowltusk
  • End: Lar Prowltusk
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll

Thwarting Kolkar Aggression

Lar Prowltusk outside of Sen'jin Village wants you to destroy the 3 sets of Attack Plans held within Kolkar Crag.
-Attack Plan: Valley of Trials
-Attack Plan: Sen'jin Village
-Attack Plan: Orgrimmar


Lower your voice, <class>. The Kolkar centaurs lie just over the ridge to the west in Kolkar Crag.

Last night while they were raiding, I snuck into their village and discovered that the dirty beasts have a three-tiered attack planned on the trolls and orcs of Durotar.

We mustn't let their invasion come to fruition. Perhaps you can muster the might needed to infiltrate Kolkar Crag and destroy their attack plans.

Last I saw, they had divided them up amongst three of their leaders.


The Horde would surely prevail if the Kolkar centaurs were to attack. But by preventing such an attack. we have spared our mighty warriors unnecessary bloodshed.

And as sure as there is sand in the Tanaris desert, we know that there will be blood spilled before these trying times are through.

You have served your people well, <class>.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Durotar

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