Zukk'ash Infestation - Quêtes

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Zukk'ash Infestation

Bring 20 Zukk'ash Carapaces to Hadoken Swiftstrider at Camp Mojache, Feralas.


From what scouting we have managed to muster, we believe that the foe south of the gnolls is an insect-like race. Frankly, it is irrelevant whether or not if they're sentient. If they are driving the gnolls to frenzy against us, then they are as big of a threat - if not more - than the gnolls.

Drive deep into where these Zukk'ash insects dwell; it is known as the Writhing Deep. Thin their numbers and report back to me what you find, bringing back their carapaces as evidence of your handiwork.


Well done, <class>. Though the extensiveness of the Zukk'ash presence will not be thwarted with anything less than a full-scale invasion, you have bought us some time so we can devise a proper strategy.

I will be sure to have these carapaces analyzed; we'll need to learn everything about them before we deal with what has unfortunately turned into a much larger issue than we had anticipated.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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