Curse These Fat Fingers - Quêtes

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Curse These Fat Fingers

Hansel Heavyhands wants you to kill 20 Heavy War Golems.

The Heavy War Golems wander the areas surrounding the Cauldron in the Searing Gorge. When you've killed enough, return to Hansel in Searing Gorge.
Heavy War Golem (20) killed


Unfortunately, I can't dish out the beats like I used to, due to this here fat finger problem. Ye see, the climate out here combined with the lack o' air pressure makes me fingers expand. They're like gigantic Thelsamar Blood Sausages, they are...

Ye're gonna have to carry out me orders of business and what have ye.

First on me agenda: Poundin' the livin' daylights out o' the heavy war golems o' the Gorge. Get crackin'.


Ye're a good lad, ye are. I got ye a lil' present fer yer troubles.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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