What the Flux? - Quêtes

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What the Flux?

Somewhere in the Slag Pit of the Cauldron you will find the Secret Plans: Fiery Flux that Overseer Maltorius stole. Find those plans and return them to Master Smith Burninate in the Searing Gorge.


When that bastard, Maltorius, left our clan, he left with something more valuable than a pristine arcane crystal: Our recipe for fiery flux! I'd bet anything that the recipe was part of the deal in his new promotion amongst the Dark Irons.

I want you to get our secret plans back, <name>. I'm sure they're somewhere near Maltorius, deep inside the Slag Pit.


I hope you kicked his teeth in too, <name>. Ragnaros knows, he deserved it.

Now we can get down to business.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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