Kill 'Em With Sleep Deprivation - Quêtes

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Kill 'Em With Sleep Deprivation

Deep within the Slag Pit of the Cauldron, you will find the sleeping quarters of the Dark Iron dwarves.

Travel to the sleeping quarters and steal 20 Dark Iron Pillows. Return to Evonice Sootsmoker in the Searing Gorge when you have accomplished this task.


If we want to put a dent in the productivity of the Dark Iron forces working out of the Slag Pit, we have to hit them where it's going to hurt the most.

It's a little known fact but dwarves, particularly of the Dark Iron variety, need rest! Lots of rest!

Now I ask you; How can they sleep without pillows? Exactly, <name>, they can't. This is why you must weasel your way into the Slag Pit and steal their pillows.


Wonderful! Those sleepy Dark Irons will head back to their homes in the Depths to get some rest, greatly slowing down the productivity of the Slag Pit.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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