Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker - Quêtes

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Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker

Speak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind's Cathedral District.


The time has come, <name>, for you to learn about what it will take for you to acquire something you have no doubt waited on for some time... your charger.

Speak with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind's Cathedral District. It is he who will guide you not only though the legerdemain of a Paladin's most trusted mount, but the tasks before you to acquire one of your own.

I wish you the best in this trial. For the Light, noble $G brother : sister;!


I am glad to see you <name>. I know that you have awaited word as to how to acquire your charger, and now that time has come.

You will be surely tested in many different ways, but most importantly in your willingness to rise above numerous obstacles thrust before you. These are not done as a learning exercise - your stature is beyond simple educational tests. You must save your future companion from the clutches of the evil you have spent your life fighting.

Take heed, your time has come!
This quest starts at Ironforge and ends at Stormwind City

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