The Balance of Light and Shadow - Quêtes

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The Balance of Light and Shadow

Save 50 Peasants before 15 are slain. Speak with Eris Havenfire should you accomplish this task.

You may view the Death Post to view how many Peasants have been slain.


You must do what I could not: Save the peasants that were cut down while fleeing from Stratholme.

They will walk towards the light, you must ensure their survival. Should too many fall, our cursed existence shall continue - you will have failed.

Every ability, prayer, and spell that you have learned will be tested. May the Light protect you, <name>.


Your tenacity and courage are astounding, $gpriest:priestess;. You have earned the right to hold the Splinter of Nordrassil. Only one task remains: The Eye of Shadow must be recovered. Scour the world.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9950 experience.

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