Thunderhorn Totem - Quêtes

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Required, completed

Finish this quest will unlock

Thunderhorn Totem

Bring 6 Stalker Claws and 6 Cougar Claws to Mull Thunderhorn.


To create the Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem, you must gather the claws of the predators of the Mulgore plains. Hunt prairie stalkers for their stalker claws and flatland cougars for their cougar claws, then return to me.

You will find the prairie stalkers and flatland cougars to the east and west.


Thank you, <name>. The purity with which these beasts hunt is vital in the creation of the next cleansing totem.

The goblins will never learn the difference between contending with the land, and living in harmony with it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Mulgore

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