A Humble Task - Quêtes

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A Humble Task

Take a Water Pitcher from the water well.

Return the pitcher to Chief Hawkwind in Camp Narache which is northwest from the water well.


I have traveled many paths through life and these old legs lack the vigor they once had. I can still perform my duties to the tribe. Sometimes it just takes an old woman a little longer to do the task.

But you look like an eager <class>. Let's put some of that youthful vitality to the test. Take a water pitcher from the well and bring it to my son, the Chief, in Camp Narache.

Remember that even the most humble task can gain the recognition of elders.


You carried this pitcher back at the Greatmother's bidding, I see.

Your willingness to help others and provide for the tauren of Camp Narache leads me to believe you would make the tribe proud in Thunder Bluff someday.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Mulgore

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