Lethtendris's Web - Quêtes

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Lethtendris's Web

Bring Lethtendris' Web to Latronicus Moonspear at the Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.


The mage Lethtendris, a vicious blood elf whose brutality is matched only by her twisted addiction to magic, has fled into Dire Maul. She has created a device, a web to ensnare the magical energies of that place and we fear that, if left unchecked, she will cause irreparable damage to our world!

Stop her, <name>. Find her and retrieve her web. She is likely near the satyrs in Warpwood Quarter of Dire Maul. Bring the web to me so that its power may be released safely back into the wilds...


You retrieved the web! Well done, <name>! Lethtendris, like many elves of her ilk, are blind to the dangers the abuse of magic can cause to our world. They believe they are masters of magic; they do not realize that they are slaves to their own addiction. Her death saddens me, but it was necessary.

Thank you, <name>. I will have the energies within the web released safely over a wide area, and then I'll destroy it to prevent future magical exploits.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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