A Hero's Reward - Quêtes

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A Hero's Reward

Claim your reward from Hydraxis' Coffer.


<name>, your services to the Warlords surpassed all we could expect from the denizens of this world.

We do not understand your people's notions of gratitude, or rewarding good works, but in this case... perhaps a reward is warranted.

Under the surf at the southern base of this island, you will find a coffer. In it you will find your... reward.

Go, <name>. Claim your reward.


Hydraxis' voice descends from the waters' surface...

"Choose that which best suits you, <name>. May it protect you against the foes of the Waterlords."


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Azshara

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