Preparation for Ceremony - Quêtes

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Preparation for Ceremony

Collect 6 Azure Feathers and 6 Bronze Feathers, and bring them to Eyahn Eagletalon in Thunder Bluff.


<name>, my brother soon stands before Chief Bloodhoof, and it is my honor to make his headdress for him.

I want to ask a favor of you while I finish tanning these leather straps. There is not time for me to find enough feathers, and I was wondering, would you gather more for me?

You can find feathers of the correct size from the harpies residing far to the north and northwest of Thunder Bluff. I need only 6 azure and 6 bronze feathers to complete the design.


Thank you for your help, <name>.

My part in my brother's ceremony is almost complete. Giving him his headdress and witnessing the ceremony are all my duty requires of me.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Mulgore

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