Trouble In Darkshore? - Quêtes

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Trouble In Darkshore?

Travel to Auberdine and look for signs of the dwarven excavation team.


How nice it is to see a <class> interested in the great archeological wonders of our world.

Oftentimes our work is dismissed as mere hobby by our friends in the Alliance. But what many fail to realize is that recent discoveries in Khaz Modan have proven that a great and powerful force threatens all of Azeroth, from Lordaeron to Kalimdor.

I am most worried about my crew that I sent to Darkshore. They haven't sent word in weeks.

Travel to Auberdine and look for a clue as to their whereabouts.


I'm so glad Chief Archeologist Greywhisker sent for us....
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 490 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Ironforge
This quest starts at Teldrassil and ends at Darkshore

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