Stone Is Better than Cloth - Quêtes

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Stone Is Better than Cloth

Bring some Patterned Bronze Bracers to Lucien Tosselwrench in the Badlands.


I know how cheap Lotwil can be, <name>, so let me make you something for all your troubles. Maybe it'll even help protect you from the coming atrocity that is Lotwil's newest invention.

I've been working with all the extra stones you collected for him, and I can make some nice bracers that you might want to use. They're enchanted, of course.

I'll just need patterned bronze bracers crafted by a blacksmith so I can complete the bracers I'm making for you.


Here you go, <name>. Try these on.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2550 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Badlands

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