The Scepter of Celebras - Quêtes

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The Scepter of Celebras

Assist Celebras the Redeemed while he creates the Scepter of Celebras.

Speak with him when the ritual is complete.


My scepter was once a source of hope for me. Its power allowed me the freedom to travel quickly through these caverns. I had hoped to bring peace to the spirit of my uncle... It is a task that I now pass to you.

For the two parts to once again become one, I will need your assistance in performing the ritual. Please follow me, and listen to my instructions while I channel the energy required to reunite the rod with the diamond.

Together, we shall create the Scepter of Celebras once again!


Please take this, and know that the power allotted to you now must be used for good. Continue your journey through the caverns, and with hope, you will find the remains of my uncle. Much danger awaits you, <name>.

Speak with me again should the need arise.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5700 experience.

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